Thanks to Wyndstryker, we were able to find an unconfirmed information about GameForge licensing Ace online.
According to the community management's director at GameForge (Phelan), this information is accurate. The company is still in negotiation with the developers, hence why we can not have much more information.
Phelan has assured us that the game will be up and running soon. He hinted about the possibility to transfer accounts over to their datacenters, but this is not confirmed yet.
The director has also shown a great interest for the current communities of Space Cowboy Online. He stated that GameForge would greatly appreciate to work with us.
Sadly, no information was provided about the range of the license, we don't know it if it just for Europe or also for other territories.
With that being said, we will get more details in the following weeks. "Answers are coming very very soon!"